Explore our collection of nutritious Healthy Trim recipes and formula facts. Fuelling your body with the essential nutrients it needs for optimal health.


    Dive into the stories and testimonials of Healthy Trim Movers and Shakers. These are the perfect tales to help motivate and encourage you to embrace a healthier lifestyle.

    Discover tips and advice on integrating health-conscious habits into your daily life, helping you achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle that nurtures body, mind, and spirit.

    Learn about the pillars of wellbeing through articles that focus on mental, physical, and emotional health, offering expert insights to help you maintain your overall wellness.

Latest blogs

  • Jelena Dokic's Wellbeing Journey with Healthy Trim

    Jelena Dokic's Wellbeing Journey with Healthy Trim

    Discover Jelena Dokic's wellbeing journey as she reveals why Healthy Trim is her top choice for maintaining a balanced, energetic lifestyle. Explore how Healthy Trim can make a difference in your own life, just as it has in Jelena's.

  • Introducing our Brand Ambassador, Jelena Dokic

    Introducing our Brand Ambassador, Jelena Dokic

    We are delighted to announce that Jelena Dokic has joined Healthy Trim as our official Brand Ambassador. Jelena is a former world number four tennis player, come commentator, author and motivational speaker, and just generally the all-around epitome of resilience and positivity.   

  • Karen's Amazing Journey with Healthy Trim

    Karen's Amazing Journey with Healthy Trim

    Read the inspiring story from another person who has transformed their lives using Healthy Trim Shakes.

    Karen struggled with her weight, affecting her overall health and wellbeing. Look at her new found health.

  • Crispy Bliss Balls

    Crispy Bliss Balls

    These protein packed bliss balls are so easy to make. A great alternative, when avoiding unhealthy snack options.

    Perfect to have on hand when you're having a choc craving or two!

    A delicious on the go treat, packed with nutritional goodness that fits perfectly into your health-conscious lifestyle!

  • Crème Brûlée Porridge

    Crème Brûlée Porridge

    Start your day with a delicious and nutritious breakfast.  Healthy Trim is packed full of protein, vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, probiotics, digestive enzymes and fibre. All essential ingredients necessary to keep your wellbeing in check. 

    Keeping you energised and fuller for longer so you can power through your day.

  • Iced Coffee

    Iced Coffee

    This iced coffee recipe can be shaken or blended.  Either way it's ideal on days you need a refreshing cold coffee, especially around meal or snack time.

    Formulated to provide sustained energy and health benefits throughout your day. With all the essential nutrients you need for a great start to your day as a meal. Or as a quick pick me up as a snack when you're needing an energy boost.

  • Vitamin D, Let that Goodness Soak In! *But be SunSmart!

    Vitamin D, Let that Goodness Soak In! *But be SunSmart!

    Vitamin D, often hailed as the "sunshine vitamin," is crucial for more than just bone health; it's a powerhouse nutrient that plays a pivotal role in our overall well-being. 
  • Looking At Your Relationship With Food

    Looking At Your Relationship With Food

    To change the way you eat, you first need to look at your current relationship with food. Understanding what we are using food for and how we feel after we eat it, is key in changing the eating habits that are not serving us into ones that are healthy and nourishing.
  • Easy Movement Tips to Keep You Active and Leading a Less Sedentary Life!

    Easy Movement Tips to Keep You Active and Leading a Less Sedentary Life!

    We know from personal experience that having sedentary aspects to your lifestyle can be hard to avoid. It’s increasingly common in today's world, with many of us spending hours sitting at desks, on couches, or in traffic.
  • Meal Replacement Shakes: Myths vs. Facts

    Meal Replacement Shakes: Myths vs. Facts

    The truth about the Meal Replacement Diet as we debunk 15 common myths, focusing on overall wellbeing and the benefits of premium, natural ingredients. Revealing facts to help you make informed decisions about meal replacement shakes and their place in long-term health and supporting overall wellbeing. 

  • Do Meal Replacement Shakes Work? The Science Explained

    Do Meal Replacement Shakes Work? The Science Explained

    Discover how meal replacement shakes support wellbeing and healthy living.

    Explore scientific evidence, benefits, and how they fit into your lifestyle.

  • The Mind-Body (and Gut) Connection: Getting Your Health Journey Started with Healthy Trim

    The Mind-Body (and Gut) Connection: Getting Your Health Journey Started with Healthy Trim

    At Healthy Trim we love hearing from all our Movers & Shakers!

    Our community is full of people making positive change and striving to be their best selves… and when you talk, we listen!