By Healthy Trim

Looking At Your Relationship With Food

To change the way you eat, you first need to look at your current relationship with food. Understanding what we are using food for and how we feel after we eat it, is key in changing the eating habits that are not serving us into ones that are healthy and nourishing.

A healthy food relationship is one where we are:
  • Enjoying our food and feeling good after we have eaten.
  • Choosing foods that nourish and energise our bodies.
  • Fuelling our bodies to support our lifestyles.
  • Eating with awareness.
  • Eating because our stomach is empty.
  • Using positive language around food.
  • Feeling comfortable with having a treat now and then.

An unhealthy food relationship is one where we are:

  • Feeling guilt and shame around our chosen meals and snacks.
  • Eating food that strains our digestive system and leads to an unhealthy body.
  • Making food choices that make us feel sluggish and tired.
  • Eating without awareness, which leads to overeating and excess weight.
  • Emotionally eating from stress and boredom.
  • Thinking and talking negatively about food and eating.

Looking at the above lists, who are you now and who would you prefer to be?

A change in eating habits is done in steps, and the first one is to be clear on what your current eating habits are. To do this we need to become mindful around what we are eating and why.

Spend a few days to a week, paying attention to your food choices and make notes on:

  • What you ate.
  • If your stomach was empty and you were hungry or were you eating for no nutritional reason.
  • How you were feeling at the time – happy, bored, stressed, uneasy?
  • How you physically felt after eating – energised, over full, tired, lethargic?
  • How you emotionally felt after eating – content, happy, angry at yourself, shame, guilt?
  • What food choices you are placing in your home and work environment?
  • The habits you would like to change – snack choices, takeaways, how much you are eating.

Once you have done this, you now have a place to start in changing your eating habits and you can write yourself a list on what you would like to do differently.

Do you want to:

  • Make more healthy food choices available to you?
  • Start listening to your body when it says you are full and stop eating sooner? (see the over-eating blog).
  • Work on your emotional eating habits? (see the emotional eating blog).
  • Address your thoughts around food and shift them to be more positive and loving?
  • Look at your lifestyle and research which foods help to support that best?
  • Research and learn about healthy eating and which foods are better for us – healthy fats, less sugar, managing carb intake, feeding the body the required vitamins and minerals it needs to function well?

Healthy Trim will help you to remove the weight that all the above unhelpful habits have created. Having awareness around your eating patterns and changing the negative ones permanently, will help you to maintain the new healthy and gorgeous you!

Michelle Bean is a Soul Coach and Intuitive who has worked with clients over the past 17 years, helping them to recognise the blocks and emotional issues that hold them back. She then uses advanced and alternative techniques learned from her many years of studying natural therapies, to release the blocks and re-set the body and mind. Michelle holds a caring and nurturing space for her clients to create the change they are looking for, assisting them to step into new and uplifting ways of being.