By Healthy Trim

Overcoming Self Sabotage – How To Stop Getting In Your Own Way and Achieve Your Goals

We know in our conscious mind what we want, we get in flow with it, we reach out for it and it starts to come in, then out of nowhere something comes out of left side and smashes it, putting it way beyond our reach and leaving us feeling frustrated and confused.

Say hello to your block behaviours…

What is a block behaviour?

Block behaviours come when we move from our higher selves (inflow/joy) to our lower selves (thinking mind/fear).

When we initially create the idea of what we want to bring in, we move into our creative energy which is positive and flowing, we can see it, feel it and almost reach out and touch it and in that state we can only see it working out for us.

We then take action and lean into that new idea, try that new behaviour, seek out that new partner and initially all goes well.

But at some point we move from that higher state of being, back down into the body where the small mind gets wind of it and it says whaaaat? What are you doing here? Don’t you remember last time you did something like this you failed miserably? All it did was cause you so much stress and heartache – no way are we going there.

Then, to protect ourselves, we bring in the block behaviour aka sabotage and you know what happens next…

What do we do when these behaviours show up?

Take Action! When sabotage shows up – get excited!

You are still on track, nothing has gone wrong, your block behaviours are there to show you what you haven’t fully processed from your past and what has been running your life in a not so good way, ever since.

At this point you have a choice. You can listen to the small mind and follow it down the path of looking at what isn’t working in your life and how you will never have what you want OR you can choose to take action and work through the block, because what you want is waiting for you on the other side of it.

If you choose option 2 then take a moment, sit down and go back and find that experience that you are still holding onto and do what you’ve got to do, to release it.

If it’s something small then bring that memory into your mind and see where it is being stored in your body. You will either feel an emotion somewhere or a physical reaction. Give that feeling all of your attention, be present with it and allow it to be heard until you feel it ease and release.

At the time you had the experience your emotions weren’t fully processed and that’s why it is still sitting there today. There may be layers of emotions there so keep working your way through them. If you are finding it hard and it’s too big for you to work on yourself, then reach out to your favourite therapist and book a session. This is so important in helping you to move forward into what it is you would truly like in your life and if you ignore it, it will keep showing up until you do work on it.

To recap:

  1. Sabotage and Block Behaviours are showing us what we haven’t processed from our past.
  2. Get excited as this thing has been running your life ever since and that’s about to change.
  3. Work on it – either by yourself or with someone else.
  4. Go back and start again – lean into what it was you were trying to create for yourself and see what happens now.

I wish you a happy soul, an inspired life and days that flow with ease.